Tell Your Story

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a movie is worth a million. 

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The Hollywood

Let's make a production! Film is a fun and creative way to commemorate the monumental events in your life or tell a complete story of your business. We'll do a more extensive movie creation you'll be proud to show-off to your family, friends and clients. 

Longer in length and/or more complex in design, these can be up to 15 minutes and include multiple locations and interviews.

The Storyteller

The Storyteller

Did you just open a cool, one-of-a-kind clothing store? Does your restaurant stand out for fresh ingredients, a sporty atmosphere and/or local entertainment? Or maybe you are in a business industry that needs to show a fresher side to your clients.

At 1-3 minutes, The Storyteller gives a perfect overview of your business and can include up to 3 locations, and quick testimonials to appeal to your market.

The narrative

Quick, to the point, and budget-friendly. Use video to let your clients know you're thinking of them during special events or holidays.

Narratives are generally 30 seconds to 1 minute in length.

Other sample videos by The Photo Booth